Can Jewelry Be Cursed? A Mind-Altering Analysis
An abundance of infamous tales of Precious Gemstones and jewels stolen from far East religious idols and temples abound. Retellings of the myths and legends can be heard in hushed tones, all over the world. It appears to be that the reoccurring myth of cursed jewels has a special place in the psyche of humankind, and has provided imaginative excitement for us which transcends the modern mind and pulls us back in time to the land of the ancients, who, as many of us imagine, lived amongst the lost and coveted treasures we can only reach in our dreams.
So, let’s dig deeper into these cursed jewels, and then later we can discuss the possible origin of these myths and why they’re so ingrained in our psyche.
1. The Black Orlov Diamond
referred to as "The Eye Of Brahma Diamond" this jewel was allegedly stolen from one of the eyes in a statue of the Hindu god Brahma in Pondicherry. Two Russian princesses, Nadia Vyegin-Orlov and Leonila Galitsine-Bariatinsky, both committed suicide months apart from each other by jumping from buildings in Rome, and J.W. Paris, who is the man responsible for first bringing the diamond to the US in 1932, jumped to his death from a skyscraper in New York. A jeweler later cut the gemstone into three pieces because he thought that the division would break the curse.
2. The Koh-i-Noor Diamond
A diamond that seems to only curse the men who wear it, the Koh-i-Noor Diamond was taken from India in 1850 and was given to the British Royal Family. Every man who has worn the stone has lost his throne, which may be why it's never been worn by a male since Alexandra placed it on her head. It is now currently set in Queen Elizabeth’s crown which is currently on display.
3.The Delhi Purple Sapphire
This jewel was found hidden a mere 30 years ago inside the Natural History Museum of London’s "mineral cabinets". The gem was supposedly sealed up in several boxes, surrounded by protective charms. It was found with a warning: “Whoever shall then open it, shall first read out this warning, and then do as he pleases with the jewel. My advice to him or her is to cast it into the sea.”
Many suspect the gemstone, which is actually quartz and not sapphire, was part of the stolen treasure found in the Temple of Indra in Cawnpore in 1857. The cursed jewel was brought into England by Bengal Cavalryman Colonel W. Ferris, who eventually went bankrupt, as did his son (after he inherited the stone). It then changed hands to a few others, including a singer who lost her singing voice forever! The final owner, before it was rehidden in the museum, demanded that it be boxed away until after his death, and that his daughter was to never have contact with it.
So, now that we have gone over a few of the more infamous tales of cursed jewels, would it hurt to ponder on the “why’s” and “how’s”? Let’s suppose there is such a thing as a jewel that can curse its wearer or owner. Why would such a jewel with such power use it to curse? Well, for one, it is a common theme in the tales that the valuable gemstones are stolen from their resting place or rightful owner, usually a Hindu God, making the new owners illegitimate, and therefore worthy of being cursed. Afterall, stealing is wrong and, in a perfect world, thief’s face consequences for their actions. Many people, even today, believe in the individual power of gems and jewels, crystals and stones. Many are said to have certain healing affects, are used as psychic and trait enhancers, or are meant to bring luck or love to the wearer.
Depending on one’s spiritual beliefs and mindset, the parable can be used to reinforce ones faith (commonly quoted from the bible: “the love of money is the root of all evil”), or since it involves Gods from religions that are not monotheistic, they may not consider the wealth aspect at all and will think purely in spiritual terms.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the more rebellious in nature, or those who do not have limited beliefs concerning financial motivation and acquiring wealth may understand the parable in a completely different way, leaning toward the lesson of seeking their fortune honestly. You don’t seek out a fortune by stepping on “the man at the top” (stealing his gemstones). Rather, you might choose to appeal to him, turn to him for advice, and emulate him and his moves, and then maybe you will have valuable gemstones assigned to you. A natural master-apprenticeship relationship, where the apprentice eventually becomes the master him or herself.
So, whether or not jewelry can be cursed is up for each individual to decide for themselves. Does the belief in a sentient essence within a gemstone ring true to you somehow? Does it add any value to your life? Does it motivate you or help you understand what needs to be done to become the greatest version of yourself? Does it enrich your mind and make you feel happy or fulfilled in some way or another? Or is it simply superstitious thinking that does you no good?
Do you choose to ignore anything that can’t be seen or proven beyond a matter of doubt, and wish to understand the myths and legends as parables to be learned from and applied to your own life? Maybe you simply wish to view the events brought upon the owners of the cursed jewelry as coincidence, happenstance, a mere tale formulated by children who are in a constant state of fantastical thinking, who do not view anything as mere coincidence, which then spread like an untamable wildfire amongst the collective mind of humankind.